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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The space you live in can have a significant effect on your mood and well-being. These findings go way back to the ancient Chinese and their philosophy/art “Feng Shui” and is also supported by scientific fundamentals. There are ways to decorate and rearrange your living space such that you feel energized and comfortable. When you feel good, you can think more clearly and more positive. A good mood may influence your life more than you think!

Here are 5 tips for a simple home makeover which will enhance your mood and well-being.

Fill your home with light to light up your life

A well-lit home removes half the darkness from your life. During daytime, try letting as much sunlight into your home as possible. Sunlight has been scientifically proven to increase the production of endorphins and serotonins – the feel good hormones! Make sure that the artificial lights in your home are sufficiently bright. Insufficient lighting can create a dull atmosphere, and you might end up feeling depressed for no reason.

Add greenery wherever possible

Just like natural light helps elevate your mood, so does natural vegetation. Use ornamental plants to decorate your home. Place ornamental and flowering plants on your balcony. Having natural beauty around you will help you feel closer to nature. Use the extra oxygen that these plants provide to jazz up a bit!

Use your favourite color

Experts say that at least 20% of your rooms should have your favourite color. Blue and green are known to be soothing colors, while orange is energetic, and yellow is joyful. Avoid red, which is associated with anger and danger. Have milder versions of these colors for your walls, while you can have the brighter shades for your furniture, or a chosen featured wall.

De-clutter your home

Remove all unnecessary items and keep your home tidy. An untidy, cluttered home is a reflection of a confused mind, filled with unnecessary thoughts and problems. Clean up your living space, and feel how your mind is getting cleared of all negativity, and opens up for positivity.

Smell nice, feel nice

Finally, try shopping for those room fresheners or the likes that fill your room with a refreshing fragrance. It could be even worthwhile to invest in the high tech variety of automated fragrance dispensers. Alternatively, use scented candles to spread the fragrance to every corner of your room. A nice fragrance can brighten up your mood.

Start today with at least one of these small “interventions” and add gradually. You will see that small changes in your living spaces can make a big difference in the way think and feel. Good luck !