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Tuesday, March 11, 2014
It is now scientifically proven – the physical environment has an impact on our mental well-being. So, what can we do to improve the space we live in, and thereby improve our own physical and mental well-being? Here is a step-by-step guide to achieve this.

1. Maximize the amount of natural light

As they say, a well-lit home removes half the darkness from your life. And why not go the natural way, and light up the home with as much natural light as possible? Sunlight can release lots of good hormones, and really make your day. Add to that the good things that Vitamin D can do to your body. If you have large windows in your house, then use them to let as much sunlight enter your home as possible.

2. Breeze

A fresh morning breeze can work wonders for the body and the mind. Try doing a bit of exercise or yoga on your balcony or in your garden, and suck in the fresh breeze to open up your mind and soul, and truly get ready for a great day ahead.

3. Color of the floors and walls

Read a bit on color theory and you will find the kind of impact colors can have on you. Try going for colors that are in harmony with each other. Blue and green are known to be soothing colors, while orange is energetic, and yellow is joyful. Avoid red, which is associated with anger and danger. Have milder versions of those colors for your walls, while you can have the brighter shades for your furniture, or a featured wall. A safe way to choose harmonious colors is to use light to dark shades of a single color. This will make a room look more luxurious than your budget might suggest. Monochromatic (shades of the same color family) schemes create a sophisticated, elegant look and have a calming effect.

4. Furniture

Choose furniture with soothing colors and texture. You could also try adding interesting twists with a wide variety of textures, from stone, steel, glass, and matte to fabric and leather. Unleash your creativity and fearlessly add character to your home.

5. Home accessories

Think of wall art, candle sticks, functional and decorative mirrors, wall stickers, votive candle holders, lanterns, fireplaces, fire lamps – I would suggest you have at least one piece of each of these in your home, placed at a carefully chosen position. Home accessories are as important to the aesthetics of your home, as they are to you.

6. Greenery in your home

Green spaces have lasting positive impact on the well-being. Go green! Use ornamental plants to decorate your home. Place ornamental and flowering plants on your balcony. Having natural beauty around you will help you feel closer to nature. Use the extra oxygen that these plants provide to jazz yourself up a bit!

With a growing body of evidence linking look and feel of living spaces to well-being, it only makes sense to invest some time and effort into improving and beautifying the space where you live. With the simple tips provided in this article, I am sure you can achieve this goal very easily. All the best!